Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Using Alpine - with a Password File

Alpine is a text based email client.. (and news reader). I'm using it for (gmail) email at the moment. Quite nerd-ish and cool.

To make things easier on yourself, configure Alpine to save your email password in a file like so:

1. Check if your version of alpine includes password file support: alpine -h | grep passfile
2. If you get something like - -passfile <fully_qualified_filename>, it does
3. Create a new file, run touch newfile then launch alpine thus-ly - alpine -passfile /home/jimc/.pine-passfile

Friday, 9 December 2011

F16 and Grub2 Text Boot

Now that I am using Fedora 16, I want to be able to customize Grub2..

For starters, here's how to get a text boot

1. Edit /etc/default/grub) =

2. Remove "quiet" and "rhgb"
3. Run # grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

Friday, 27 May 2011

Greetings !

My aim here is to record and share my journey in coding.